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What Is a Blockchain? A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger shared among a computer network’s nodes. They are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions, but they are not limited to cryptocurrency uses. Blockchains can be used to make data in any industry...
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1. Hồ sơ hải quan gồm những gì? Theo khoản 8 Điều 4 Luật Hải quan 2014 thì hồ sơ hải quan gồm tờ khai hải quan, các chứng từ phải nộp hoặc xuất trình cho cơ quan hải quan theo quy định của Luật Hải quan 2014. 2. Quy định về hồ sơ hải quan làm...
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Giao đất là việc Nhà nước ban hành quyết định giao đất để trao quyền sử dụng đất cho đối tượng có nhu cầu sử dụng đất. Dưới đây là hạn mức giao đất ở, đất nông nghiệp cho hộ gia đình, cá nhân. 1. Thẩm quyền quy định hạn mức giao đất cho mỗi...
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Hong Kong may issue virtual asset trading licenses to at least eight cryptocurrency-related firms by the end of the year, as part of the city’s new licensing regime. According to Forkast News, the regulators are working on the new crypto licensing program set to take effect in June 2023. They include requiring firms to establish a...
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On August 4, 2022, the Prime Minister gave the State Bank, the Ministry of Public Security, and other departments the task of integrating and sharing population databases in order to create a digital citizen ecosystem.
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The Government of Vietnam has just issued Decree No. 53/2022/ND-CP dated August 15, 2022 detailing a number of articles of the Cybersecurity Law (“Decree 53”).
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This Decision states that the revised Proposal of Law on Anti-Money Laundering's contents have made the Party's policies and lines, the State's policies and laws, the Government's direction, the Prime Minister's direction, and international commitments on the prevention and combat of money laundering more concrete.
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On August 5, 2022, The National Action Plan on prevention and combating money laundering, terrorist funding, and proliferation financing of weapons of mass destruction for the period 2021–2025 was promulgated, by Decision No. 941/QD–TTg, which was signed by the Prime Minister.
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The Prime Minister issued Decree No. 59/2022/ND-CP on September 5, 2022, establishing electronic identification and authentication.
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Guidance on coordination in control of staff assets and income is the content of Instruction 03-HD/UBKTTW dated November 3, 2022 on implementation of the Regulation on coordination between asset and income control agencies issued by the Committee. 
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